Press & Endorsements

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Stay updated on Pete's latest media coverage and press releases. We are in this journey together. Dive in and discover the latest news about Pete and his campaign for positive change in Portland and beyond.

Pete in The Portland Tribune

“Lawyer files for NW Portland seat in Oregon House”

Pete in The Oregonian

Fixing the trauma of Measure 110”

Pete in NW Examiner

“Grabiel looks for balance on skewed terrain”

Pete in The Oregonian

3 political newcomers vie to represent Portland’s west side in Oregon House”

Pete in The Oregonian

Former lawmaker Brian Clem to spend $1 million in bid to elect moderate Democrats to Oregon Legislature”

Pete in The Portland Tribune

“Three Democrats seek open Oregon House seat in Northwest Portland”


Barbara Roberts, Oregon’s First Female Governor

“Pete brings the knowledge and leadership District 33 needs. As a former Oregon Governor, my endorsement reflects my strong recognition of his work, his commitment to our state’s future, and my trust in his integrity. Please join me in that support.”

Professor Durwood Zaelke, International Climate Expert

“I’ve seen Pete Grabiel in action on climate change. He’s made an impact at the international level, and he’ll ensure Oregon remains a climate leader.”

Anthony Aquino, Civil Servant in District 33

“As a dedicated civil servant, I fully endorse Pete Grabiel for State Representative. Pete has shown unwavering support for our first responders, understanding the critical nature of our work and advocating for policies that enhance our ability to serve our community safely and effectively. His commitment to public safety and readiness to stand with us in times of need is exactly what our district requires. I trust that Pete will be a powerful voice for us in the legislature, ensuring our voices are heard and our needs are met." 

Rhonda McDowall Director, Child Development Center in NW Portland

“As the Executive Director of a Child Development Center, I am proud to endorse Pete Grabiel for State Representative. Pete is a parent whom I have known for years. He has demonstrated unwavering commitment and genuine passion for improving the community and educational landscape, consistently advocating for our children's best interests. His leadership and dedication assure me that he will bring the same zeal and effectiveness to the broader community at the state level." 


"Portland needs a leader who's truly in touch with the pulse of our community, and Pete Grabiel is that leader. With an unwavering commitment to addressing the concerns that matter most to Portlanders, Pete's top priority is ensuring public safety. Pete is the dedicated champion who will deliver tangible results and make Portland safer for all."